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JVI Newsletter ▪ July 2024    

Dear Friends of the JVI,

We hope this message finds you well, as the summer season is starting. This newsletter reports on recent courses and events held at the JVI. The Exchange Rate Policy course explored a range of topics such as exchange rate analysis and regimes, interactions with other macroeconomic policies, the transition towards more flexible regimes, foreign exchange interventions, reserve adequacy, and currency crises. The new course on Transforming Public Finance Through GovTech discussed digitalization's benefits and the policies necessary to accelerate digital adoption among households, firms, and governments. The Cohort Training on Macroeconomic Analysis and Management was completed last May. Additionally, central bankers from the Caucasus, Central Asia, Moldova, and Mongolia gathered in Vienna for the 9th high-level peer-to-peer workshop. Lastly, this newsletter includes a piece on how JVI economists stay ahead of the curve and make a wider impact.

Please make sure to register for the Conference on Building Resilience and Managing Financial Crises, a hybrid event taking place on September 18 and co-organized by the OeNB, SUERF, the Yale Program on Financial Stability, and the JVI!

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback of any kind, please write us a note at jvi@jvi.org. Many thanks to Rilind Kabashi, our Editor, Maša Valenko, and all the contributors to this Newsletter. 

Hervé Joly
Director, Joint Vienna Institute

OeNB-SUERF-JVI-Yale Program on Financial Stability Conference on Building Resilience and Managing Financial Crises
This conference, jointly organized by the OeNB, SUERF, JVI, and the Yale Program on Financial Stability, will take stock of key risks to financial stability and focus on increasing the resilience of the financial system as well as on successful and less successful financial...
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New IMF Course on Transforming Public Finance through GovTech
From June 17 to 21, 2024, the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, in collaboration with the JVI and the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development, conducted for the first time an in-person course titled “Transforming Public Finance through GovTech.” The course aimed to equip...
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The Exchange Rate Policy course at the JVI
The Exchange Rate Policy Course (ERP) of the IMF was delivered at the JVI between June 3 and June 14. It was attended by 28 participants from 14 countries, coming mostly from central banks, but also from ministries of finance and other public institutions. The course reviewed...
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Vienna Segment of the Cohort Training: Advanced Analytical Tools for Better Policy Insights
The second leg of the CCAMTAC (Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia)-JVI cohort training which took place from May 6-17 was a resounding success. Building on the first segment in Almaty, which focused on Financial Programming and Policies...
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JVI Economists: Staying Ahead of the Curve and Making a Wider Impact
While spending most of their time teaching at the JVI and developing the curriculum, the economic staff is involved in complementary activities, such as international training, knowledge sharing, research, technical assistance, and continuous professional development. These...
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Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models

Financial Translation and Editing: Adding Value in an Increasingly Digital World

Future of Work

Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise

Foreign Direct Investment Policies

Real Estate Analysis and Policies

Public Financial Management Legal Frameworks

Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Blended

Strengthening the Effectiveness of AML/CFT Frameworks



The 2024 High-Level Peer-to-Peer Workshop for Central Bankers from the Caucasus, Central Asia, Moldova, and Mongolia

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