SOE Oversight: Ownership, Financial Performance & Fiscal Risks

Все участники курсов должны соблюдать меры по профилактике COVID-19.


TARGET AUDIENCE: The course will target middle and senior level officials engaged in SOE oversight and governance, from Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Economy, other ministries or agencies responsible for state ownership. The officials nominated for this course should be directly engaged in SOE oversight and reform implementation on behalf of the government. Participants are expected to have good knowledge of their country fiscal risks management framework, arrangements for financial monitoring or SOE, and possess at least five years of experience in any of these areas.

COURES DESCRIPTION: The five-day course will explore the linkages between SOE performance and fiscal risks. It will highlight the importance and relevance of finance ministries in the financial oversight and monitoring of SOEs, especially where state support is significant, and where relevant, in setting their financial targets. The course will also address mechanisms for ensuring SOE financial accountability and how finance ministries can contribute to decision-making related to SOEs’ operations, debt, public service obligations, and other decisions impacting public finances.

Participants will learn of good practices in SOE performance monitoring, and practical aspects for effective oversight. The delegates will be expected to share their own experiences in this complex reform area that involves multiple stakeholders.

OBJECTIVES: upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

- Understand direct and potential impact of SOE operations on the state budget and debt.

- Identify main channels of fiscal risks stemming from SOEs financial performance.

- Perform SOE financial analysis with the SOE Health Check Tool, exploring how it can inform SOE reforms.

- Understand how SOE financial performance can be strengthened through corporate governance mechanisms and informed state ownership.


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Начало: 2025111717 ноя
Окончание: 2025112121 ноя

Язык(и): Eng/Pyc

Организация-спонсор: IMF

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Крайний срок подачи заявки: 10 августа 2025 r.

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