Developing Non-Bank Finance in the CESEE Region: Prospects and Challenges

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TARGET GROUP | Junior to mid-level officials from central banks, ministries of finance and regulatory agencies in charge of financial stability or financial regulation and supervision.


DESCRIPTION | This course aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the non-bank financial system in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE), emphasizing development opportunities and associated risks. It explores diverse segments of the non-bank financial sector, including insurance, pension funds, investment funds, and fintech. Participants will gain insights into the regulatory frameworks of these institutions and assess the potential for creating a more diversified financial system, reducing dependency on banks in CESEE economies.


Attendees will investigate the reason for the current shallowness of non-bank finance in large parts of the region, the trends and risks linked to non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), and strategies for diversifying SME funding sources. The impact of innovation finance, venture capital, and private equity on regional economic growth will also be assessed. The course also examines the insurance sector's role in economic stability, regulatory frameworks such as Solvency II, and the evolution of pension systems and capital markets, spotlighting effective strategies and challenges. In addition, the program covers the emerging field of macroprudential policy for NBFIs.


The course will also focus on the prospects for CESEE capital markets, considering EU initiatives and technological innovations such as fintech and artificial intelligence to advance financial services. This structure provides a thorough analysis of how non-bank financial systems can contribute to an innovation-driven economic growth model and more diversified and stable economic environment in CESEE countries.


The course objectives are to (i) understand the importance of the non-bank financial system in the CESEE region, (ii) explore the roles and economic functions of various non-bank financial institutions, (iii) analyze the regulatory and supervisory frameworks for non-bank finance, (iv) discuss the challenges and opportunities in the non-bank financial sector and (v) examine the impact of innovation and fintech on non-bank finance.


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Начало: 2025012727 янв
Окончание: 2025013131 янв

Язык(и): English

Организация-спонсор: JVI/BdF

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Крайний срок подачи заявки: 27 октября 2024 r.

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