Staff from HR and/or diversity officers and diversity ambassadors from national central banks and authorities.
The first JVI course on the topic of diversity and inclusion (D&I) was delivered virtually from September 6 to 8, 2021. It was sponsored by Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) in cooperation with the Central Bank of Ireland, the European Central Bank and the IMF and brought together twenty participants from twelve countries, ranging from Kyrgyzstan to Spain. Given the important benchmark role that public administration and public authorities take in modern economies, it is of particular importance to provide for a discrimination-free work environment in these institutions. In addition to conveying knowledge through a mix of lectures and workshops, the course also gave ample room to peer-learning between experienced participants and newcomers whose institutions are just about to set up a D&I agenda.
The highly interesting introductory round was followed by a presentation on the D&I journey of the Central Bank of Ireland, focusing on the main enablers for successfully implementing a D&I agenda (clear priorities, strategic alignment, senior management support) and the major challenges (data gaps, impact measurement, prioritization of activities and stakeholder engagement). Stakeholder responsibilities mapping was the topic of the ECB’s contribution which included a workshop where participants worked in mixed groups to develop a mapping for their institutions. The OeNB’s D&I team provided information on the legal foundations for D&I and important facets of diversity (gender, age, sexual orientation). The course was concluded by the IMF, with a keynote lecture on the macroeconomic implications of D&I. The vivid discussion highlighted again the importance of international institutions, central banks and governments in building capacity and promoting D&I at the macro level.
The course was evaluated very positively and we would especially like to thank the JVI team–Marina Scherbakova and IT team for their excellent support and their flexibility in accommodating all wishes!
Julia Wörz, Oesterreichische Nationalbank