30th Anniversary celebration of the AEP Course
Trip to Wachau
Vienna City Tour
International Dinner Party
Following a hiatus of three years due to the pandemic, the AEP course, which celebrated its 30’s anniversary, was successfully relaunched in 2023 in a modernized format. As in the past, a cohort of 26 up-and-coming government officials from 15 countries came to Vienna for four weeks, mostly from central banks and ministries of finance and economy. They took lectures and workshops offered by JVI, OeNB, WIIW, World Bank and WTO staff, as well as two communication consultants.
A new learning approach was provided, integrating a blend of virtual (self-paced and synchronous) and classroom training, with course content substantially updated to reflect the latest thinking on macroeconomic management, financial sector issues, trade policy and structural issues.
Before coming to Vienna, participants took the IMF online course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics, to ensure they were familiar with the key macroeconomic concepts required for efficient, hands-on teamwork in Vienna. The online training was followed by a series of virtual consultations with the JVI faculty, going over questions received from participants. Participants then worked virtually on team presentations in May and June, with continuous support from the JVI staff, to apply the knowledge they learned in the online course.
The face-to-face part in Vienna aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the many facets of economic policymaking, to reinforce their analytical skills, and to enable them to formulate effective policy recommendations. The teaching method comprised a combination of lectures, workshops and case studies, all focused on drilling into complex topics. In addition, professional coaches helped participants improve their presentation and communication skills. Two final webinars will further be offered in the post-Vienna segment, aiming at cementing a strong JVI-alumni relationship.
As usual, the rigorous AEP schedule was complemented with a rich social and cultural program designed to foster team building and to allow course participants to experience the cultural offerings of JVI’s host country. It included a Vienna city tour, a night at the state opera, a day trip to the Wachau region, as well as a visit to a traditional Heuriger restaurant. The international dinner party to which participants themselves contributed numerous homemade specialties from their national cuisines was a special highlight. Participants appreciated the opportunity to meet associates from across the JVI region and benefit from networking and peer learning.
Patrick Imam, Deputy Director, Joint Vienna Institute
Tibor Hlédik, Lead Economist, Joint Vienna Institute
Tatiana Evdokimova, Economist, Joint Vienna Institute