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The 2021 High-Level Peer-to-Peer Workshop for Central Bankers from CCA, Moldova and Mongolia

August 31, 2021

The Sixth Annual Central Bank Practitioners’ Workshop—co-organized by the IMF, JVI, and Swiss National Bank (SNB)—was held virtually over June 22-24. This year’s workshop was organized around the theme of Beyond...Read more >>

Green Finance: How Climate Change Affects the Financial System and How Financial Markets can Support the Transition toward a Climate-friendly Economy

July 26, 2021

Climate change poses significant risks to the environment, the economy and to financial stability. Supervisors, regulators and central bankers must account for these risks, as otherwise their expectations about the economic and...Read more >>

Building Capacity to Develop Local Currency Government Bond Market

July 20, 2021

Fourteen debt managers and central bank officials from eight Central Asian and Eastern European countries benefitted from a virtual training course held on the development of local currency government bond markets (LCBMs). The...Read more >>

A Collaborative Virtual Course with Banque de France on Financial Stability Policy of Central Banks

June 14, 2021

From May 31 to June 4, 2021, the Banque de France (BdF) and the JVI delivered a joint virtual course on Financial Stability Policy of Central Banks. This collaborative course between the JVI and the BdF’s International Banking...Read more >>

A Central Bankers’ (Virtual) Get-together: New Course on Central Banks´ Institutional Challenges and Governance Issues

June 09, 2021

From May 17 to 21, 2021, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) offered—for the first time—a seminar exclusively addressed to colleagues from the central banking community, titled Euro Area Integration and Accession:...Read more >>

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