After being offered for the last time at the JVI as a virtual course in 2022, the course on Sound Fiscal Institutions was reintroduced this year as a one-week course. It was delivered in late February by the JVI, the Austrian...Read more >>
The Director of the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review (SPR) Department, Ms. Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, visited the JVI on March 4 to meet with staff, before heading to a conference organized by the Austrian National Bank on Bretton...Read more >>
The course on Financial Education is an annual week-long program jointly organized by Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), the central bank of Austria, and JVI. This course serves to introduce participants to best practices and...Read more >>
Managing government debt guarantees is difficult because the potential costs of guarantees are hard to estimate and typically do not show up in the reported budget deficit. A good framework for managing guarantees can, however,...Read more >>
The institutional sector accounts represent a sequence of interconnected accounts that record all economic activity within a period, and stocks of assets and liabilities as at a given point. Economic agents are grouped together...Read more >>