The virtual course on Past and Current Crises and Future Challenges covered broad examples of basic theoretical and practical examples of historical and possible developments which are very useful to public policymakers and other experts. As a financial specialist from the Central Bank of Armenia I was delighted to learn that crisis examples cover more sectors than financial sector generally. We found out that the COVID-19 is not a rare but next pandemic and healthcare crisis. Presentations covering the climate change, developments in the labor market give huge theoretical basis to move forward into new work spectrum. Overall, the course was very enjoyable, the lecturers were supportive and to the virtuality, it added new fashion to the JVI. I will definitely recommend my colleagues to apply for this and other courses at the JVI. My utmost gratitude to the JVI and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) for another amazing journey with you.
Hayk Babayan, Central Bank of Armenia
Virtual Crisis Course: Past and Current Crises and Future Challenges (November 22-December 3, 2021)
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