Course Schedule 2025

Start End Sponsoring Organization Course Title Additional Info Language More information Apply
20250113Jan 13 20250124Jan 24 IMF Nowcasting English Details 20241006Apply here by Oct 06
20250113Jan 13 20250124Jan 24 IMF Monetary and Financial Statistics - Advanced Eng/Pyc Details 20241006Apply here by Oct 06
20250127Jan 27 20250207Feb 07 IMF Financial Programming and Policies Eng/Pyc Details 20241006Apply here by Oct 06
20250127Jan 27 20250131Jan 31 JVI/BdF Developing Non-Bank Finance in the CESEE Region: Prospects and Challenges English Details 20241027Apply here by Oct 27
20250210Feb 10 20250214Feb 14 AA Competitiveness, Growth and Crisis English Details 20241110Apply here by Nov 10
20250210Feb 10 20250214Feb 14 OeNB Green Finance – Focus on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation English Details 20241110Apply here by Nov 10
20250217Feb 17 20250221Feb 21 BMF/JVI/IMF Sound Fiscal Institutions English Details 20241117Apply here by Nov 17
20250217Feb 17 20250221Feb 21 OeNB Financial Education Initiatives – Best Practice and Strategies English Details 20241117Apply here by Nov 17
20250224Feb 24 20250228Feb 28 OeNB Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing – Advanced English Details 20241124Apply here by Nov 24
20250224Feb 24 20250228Feb 28 IMF Selected Issues in the Regulation and Supervision of Fintech English Details 20241117Apply here by Nov 17
20250303Mar 03 20250307Mar 07 JVI/DBB/OeNB Monetary Policy Implementation English Details 20241203Apply here by Dec 03
20250303Mar 03 20250307Mar 07 IMF Building Institutions to Fight Corruption Eng/Pyc Details 20241124Apply here by Nov 24
20250310Mar 10 20250321Mar 21 JVI Structural Reforms English Details 20241210Apply here by Dec 10
20250310Mar 10 20250314Mar 14 OeNB/DBB HR Issues in a Changing World English Details 20241210Apply here by Dec 10
20250317Mar 17 20250328Mar 28 IMF Financial Sector Surveillance English Details 20241208Apply here by Dec 08
20250324Mar 24 20250404Apr 04 IMF Monetary Policy English Details 20241215Apply here by Dec 15
20250331Mar 31 20250409Apr 09 OeNB/JVI/NBS Analysing Macrofinancial Linkages and Interacting with International Institutions English Details 20241231Apply here by Dec 31
20250407Apr 07 20250411Apr 11 JVI/DBB/OeNB Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework English Details 20250107Apply here by Jan 07
20250414Apr 14 20250425Apr 25 IMF Macroeconomics Diagnostics English Details 20250105Apply here by Jan 05
20250414Apr 14 20250418Apr 18 IBRD Management and Evaluation of Credit risks from SOEs and Government Guarantees English Details By invitation
20250421Apr 21 20250425Apr 25 IMF Informality: Policy Objectives, Options, and Constraints English Details 20250112Apply here by Jan 12
20250428Apr 28 20250509May 09 IMF Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis English Details 20250119Apply here by Jan 19
20250428Apr 28 20250502May 02 WTO Trade Policy Workshop English Details By invitation
20250428Apr 28 20250502May 02 JVI/FED Risk-focused Supervision and Risk Assessment English Details 20250128Apply here by Jan 28
20250512May 12 20250516May 16 AA Public Governance and Structural Reforms English Details 20250212Apply here by Feb 12
20250519May 19 20250523May 23 JVI Central Banking in the Age of Artificial Intelligence English Details 20250219Apply here by Feb 19
20250519May 19 20250530May 30 IMF Vulnerability Diagnostics English Details 20250209Apply here by Feb 09
20250526May 26 20250606Jun 06 IMF Exchange Rate Policy Eng/Pyc Details 20250216Apply here by Feb 16
20250602Jun 02 20250606Jun 06 JVI/NBS/ECB Macroprudential Policy Implementation English Details 20250302Apply here by Mar 02
20250602Jun 02 20250613Jun 13 IMF Inclusive Growth English Details 20250223Apply here by Feb 23
20250609Jun 09 20250620Jun 20 IMF Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis English Details 20250302Apply here by Mar 02
20250616Jun 16 20250711Jul 11 JVI Applied Economic Policy English Details By invitation
20250617Jun 17 20250619Jun 19 IMF Corporate Household Insolvency English Details By invitation
20250630Jun 30 20250704Jul 04 JVI/ECB/FinSAC Nonperforming Loans: Management and Resolution English Details 20250330Apply here by Mar 30
20250707Jul 07 20250711Jul 11 WTO Trade Policy Workshop English Details By invitation
20250714Jul 14 20250718Jul 18 IMF Gender Inequality and Macroeconomics English Details 20250406Apply here by Apr 06
20250714Jul 14 20250718Jul 18 IBRD Government Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool English Details By invitation
20250721Jul 21 20250725Jul 25 IMF Central Bank Digital Currencies: Principles and Policy Considerations English Details 20250413Apply here by Apr 13
20250721Jul 21 20250801Aug 01 IMF Financial Programming and Policies English Details 20250330Apply here by Mar 30
20250728Jul 28 20250808Aug 08 IMF Macroeconomic Diagnostics English Details 20250420Apply here by Apr 20
20250804Aug 04 20250808Aug 08 IMF Public Sector Debt Statistics – Fundamental Eng/Pyc Details 20250427Apply here by Apr 27
20250811Aug 11 20250815Aug 15 IMF Quantitative Integrated Policy Analysis: Model, Estimation, and Country Applications English Details 20250511Apply here by May 11
20250818Aug 18 20250829Aug 29 IMF Financial Markets and Instruments English Details 20250511Apply here by May 11
20250818Aug 18 20250829Aug 29 IMF Quarterly National Accounts Eng/Pyc Details 20250511Apply here by May 11
20250901Sep 01 20250905Sep 05 IMF Financial Market Infrastructures: Principles and Practices English Details 20250525Apply here by May 25
20250908Sep 08 20250912Sep 12 AA Public Policies for the Green and Digital Transition English Details 20250608Apply here by Jun 08
20250908Sep 08 20250912Sep 12 JVI/BoE Macroprudential Tools for Banks and Non-Banks English Details 20250608Apply here by Jun 08
20250915Sep 15 20250919Sep 19 BMF/JVI/IMF Future of Taxation English Details 20250615Apply here by Jun 15
20250922Sep 22 20251003Oct 03 IMF Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries Eng/Pyc Details 20250526Apply here by May 26
20250929Sep 29 20251010Oct 10 IMF Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models English Details 20250602Apply here by Jun 02
20251006Oct 06 20251010Oct 10 EIB Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise English Details 20250706Apply here by Jul 06
20251006Oct 06 20251010Oct 10 JVI/DBB/OeNB Monetary Policy Communication English Details 20250706Apply here by Jul 06
20251013Oct 13 20251017Oct 17 AA Foreign Direct Investment Policies English Details 20250713Apply here by Jul 13
20251013Oct 13 20251017Oct 17 OeNB Green Finance – Focus on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation English Details 20250713Apply here by Jul 13
20251015Oct 15 20251017Oct 17 OeNB Diversity and Inclusion English Details 20250713Apply here by Jul 13
20251020Oct 20 20251031Oct 31 IMF Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Blended English Details 20250629Apply here by Jun 29
20251020Oct 20 20251024Oct 24 IMF Financial Development and Financial Inclusion - Blended English Details 20250608Apply here by Jun 08
20251027Oct 27 20251031Oct 31 IMF Big Data for Macroeconomic Statistics English Details 20250720Apply here by Jul 20
20251103Nov 03 20251107Nov 07 WTO Trade Policy Workshop English Details By invitation
20251103Nov 03 20251107Nov 07 IMF Tax Policy and Administration: Theory and Practice English Details 20250727Apply here by Jul 27
20251110Nov 10 20251121Nov 21 IMF Financial Sector Policies English Details 20250803Apply here by Aug 03
20251110Nov 10 20251114Nov 14 IBRD Designing Government Debt Management Strategies English Details By invitation
20251117Nov 17 20251121Nov 21 IBRD Implementing Government Debt Management Strategies English Details By invitation
20251117Nov 17 20251121Nov 21 IMF SOE Oversight: Ownership, Financial Performance & Fiscal Risks Eng/Pyc Details 20250810Apply here by Aug 10
20251124Nov 24 20251128Nov 28 BMF/JVI Public Financial Management and Administrative Reforms English Details 20250824Apply here by Aug 24
20251201Dec 01 20251212Dec 12 IMF Macroeconomics of Climate Change English Details 20250824Apply here by Aug 24
20251201Dec 01 20251212Dec 12 IMF Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies Eng/Pyc Details 20250824Apply here by Aug 24
Course Title Nowcasting
Start - End 20250113Jan 13 - 20250124Jan 24
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Monetary and Financial Statistics - Advanced
Start - End 20250113Jan 13 - 20250124Jan 24
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Financial Programming and Policies
Start - End 20250127Jan 27 - 20250207Feb 07
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Developing Non-Bank Finance in the CESEE Region: Prospects and Challenges
Start - End 20250127Jan 27 - 20250131Jan 31
Organization JVI/BdF
Language English
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Course Title Competitiveness, Growth and Crisis
Start - End 20250210Feb 10 - 20250214Feb 14
Organization AA
Language English
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Course Title Green Finance – Focus on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation
Start - End 20250210Feb 10 - 20250214Feb 14
Organization OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Sound Fiscal Institutions
Start - End 20250217Feb 17 - 20250221Feb 21
Organization BMF/JVI/IMF
Language English
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Course Title Financial Education Initiatives – Best Practice and Strategies
Start - End 20250217Feb 17 - 20250221Feb 21
Organization OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing – Advanced
Start - End 20250224Feb 24 - 20250228Feb 28
Organization OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Selected Issues in the Regulation and Supervision of Fintech
Start - End 20250224Feb 24 - 20250228Feb 28
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Monetary Policy Implementation
Start - End 20250303Mar 03 - 20250307Mar 07
Organization JVI/DBB/OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Building Institutions to Fight Corruption
Start - End 20250303Mar 03 - 20250307Mar 07
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Structural Reforms
Start - End 20250310Mar 10 - 20250321Mar 21
Organization JVI
Language English
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Course Title HR Issues in a Changing World
Start - End 20250310Mar 10 - 20250314Mar 14
Organization OeNB/DBB
Language English
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Course Title Financial Sector Surveillance
Start - End 20250317Mar 17 - 20250328Mar 28
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Monetary Policy
Start - End 20250324Mar 24 - 20250404Apr 04
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Analysing Macrofinancial Linkages and Interacting with International Institutions
Start - End 20250331Mar 31 - 20250409Apr 09
Organization OeNB/JVI/NBS
Language English
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Course Title Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework
Start - End 20250407Apr 07 - 20250411Apr 11
Organization JVI/DBB/OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Macroeconomics Diagnostics
Start - End 20250414Apr 14 - 20250425Apr 25
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Management and Evaluation of Credit risks from SOEs and Government Guarantees
Start - End 20250414Apr 14 - 20250418Apr 18
Organization IBRD
Language English
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Course Title Informality: Policy Objectives, Options, and Constraints
Start - End 20250421Apr 21 - 20250425Apr 25
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis
Start - End 20250428Apr 28 - 20250509May 09
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Trade Policy Workshop
Start - End 20250428Apr 28 - 20250502May 02
Organization WTO
Language English
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Course Title Risk-focused Supervision and Risk Assessment
Start - End 20250428Apr 28 - 20250502May 02
Organization JVI/FED
Language English
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Course Title Public Governance and Structural Reforms
Start - End 20250512May 12 - 20250516May 16
Organization AA
Language English
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Course Title Central Banking in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Start - End 20250519May 19 - 20250523May 23
Organization JVI
Language English
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Course Title Vulnerability Diagnostics
Start - End 20250519May 19 - 20250530May 30
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Exchange Rate Policy
Start - End 20250526May 26 - 20250606Jun 06
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Macroprudential Policy Implementation
Start - End 20250602Jun 02 - 20250606Jun 06
Organization JVI/NBS/ECB
Language English
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Course Title Inclusive Growth
Start - End 20250602Jun 02 - 20250613Jun 13
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis
Start - End 20250609Jun 09 - 20250620Jun 20
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Applied Economic Policy
Start - End 20250616Jun 16 - 20250711Jul 11
Organization JVI
Language English
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Course Title Corporate Household Insolvency
Start - End 20250617Jun 17 - 20250619Jun 19
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Nonperforming Loans: Management and Resolution
Start - End 20250630Jun 30 - 20250704Jul 04
Organization JVI/ECB/FinSAC
Language English
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Course Title Trade Policy Workshop
Start - End 20250707Jul 07 - 20250711Jul 11
Organization WTO
Language English
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Course Title Gender Inequality and Macroeconomics
Start - End 20250714Jul 14 - 20250718Jul 18
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Government Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool
Start - End 20250714Jul 14 - 20250718Jul 18
Organization IBRD
Language English
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Course Title Central Bank Digital Currencies: Principles and Policy Considerations
Start - End 20250721Jul 21 - 20250725Jul 25
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Financial Programming and Policies
Start - End 20250721Jul 21 - 20250801Aug 01
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Macroeconomic Diagnostics
Start - End 20250728Jul 28 - 20250808Aug 08
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Public Sector Debt Statistics – Fundamental
Start - End 20250804Aug 04 - 20250808Aug 08
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Quantitative Integrated Policy Analysis: Model, Estimation, and Country Applications
Start - End 20250811Aug 11 - 20250815Aug 15
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Financial Markets and Instruments
Start - End 20250818Aug 18 - 20250829Aug 29
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Quarterly National Accounts
Start - End 20250818Aug 18 - 20250829Aug 29
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Financial Market Infrastructures: Principles and Practices
Start - End 20250901Sep 01 - 20250905Sep 05
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Public Policies for the Green and Digital Transition
Start - End 20250908Sep 08 - 20250912Sep 12
Organization AA
Language English
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Course Title Macroprudential Tools for Banks and Non-Banks
Start - End 20250908Sep 08 - 20250912Sep 12
Organization JVI/BoE
Language English
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Course Title Future of Taxation
Start - End 20250915Sep 15 - 20250919Sep 19
Organization BMF/JVI/IMF
Language English
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Course Title Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries
Start - End 20250922Sep 22 - 20251003Oct 03
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models
Start - End 20250929Sep 29 - 20251010Oct 10
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise
Start - End 20251006Oct 06 - 20251010Oct 10
Organization EIB
Language English
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Course Title Monetary Policy Communication
Start - End 20251006Oct 06 - 20251010Oct 10
Organization JVI/DBB/OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Foreign Direct Investment Policies
Start - End 20251013Oct 13 - 20251017Oct 17
Organization AA
Language English
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Course Title Green Finance – Focus on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation
Start - End 20251013Oct 13 - 20251017Oct 17
Organization OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Diversity and Inclusion
Start - End 20251015Oct 15 - 20251017Oct 17
Organization OeNB
Language English
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Course Title Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Blended
Start - End 20251020Oct 20 - 20251031Oct 31
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Financial Development and Financial Inclusion - Blended
Start - End 20251020Oct 20 - 20251024Oct 24
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Big Data for Macroeconomic Statistics
Start - End 20251027Oct 27 - 20251031Oct 31
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Trade Policy Workshop
Start - End 20251103Nov 03 - 20251107Nov 07
Organization WTO
Language English
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Course Title Tax Policy and Administration: Theory and Practice
Start - End 20251103Nov 03 - 20251107Nov 07
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Financial Sector Policies
Start - End 20251110Nov 10 - 20251121Nov 21
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Designing Government Debt Management Strategies
Start - End 20251110Nov 10 - 20251114Nov 14
Organization IBRD
Language English
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Course Title Implementing Government Debt Management Strategies
Start - End 20251117Nov 17 - 20251121Nov 21
Organization IBRD
Language English
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Course Title SOE Oversight: Ownership, Financial Performance & Fiscal Risks
Start - End 20251117Nov 17 - 20251121Nov 21
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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Course Title Public Financial Management and Administrative Reforms
Start - End 20251124Nov 24 - 20251128Nov 28
Organization BMF/JVI
Language English
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Course Title Macroeconomics of Climate Change
Start - End 20251201Dec 01 - 20251212Dec 12
Organization IMF
Language English
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Course Title Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies
Start - End 20251201Dec 01 - 20251212Dec 12
Organization IMF
Language Eng/Pyc
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