Tuesday, June 8
Ms. Patricia Wruuck, Economist, European Investment Bank
Mr. Aron Gereben, Principal Advisor, European Investment Bank
Mr. Andy Jobst, Senior Economist, European Department, International Monetary Fund
Mr. Priit Potisepp, Head of the Strategy Unit, Estonian State Budget Department
Mr. Laurent Millischer, Economist, Joint Vienna Institute
Countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) have seen their prosperity increase remarkably since they started their transition to market economies. After a deep contraction in the early 1990s, growth has soared and per capita income in most countries in the region more than doubled between 1996 and 2017 despite the Global Financial Crisis. The COVID-19 crisis has interrupted this trend, reversing up to three years of accumulated growth.
The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and the sizeable fiscal spending programs that support it are an excellent opportunity to address some of CESEE’s known structural issues. With vaccination progressing throughout the region and lockdowns gradually lifted, strong growth is expected in 2021. This rebound, however, will also be supported by several support programs. Chief among these is the European Union’s €675 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), a central pillar of NextGenerationEU. The Recovery and Resilience Plans financed under the RRF are expected to include reforms and public investment projects that can help set CESEE economies on a course of sustainable growth.
This webinar discussed recovery and growth strategies for CESEE. Recent analyses by the EIB (“Towards a new growth model in CESEE”) and the IMF (“Infrastructure in CESEE”) have investigated some of the economic issues the region faces and put forward recommendations on how to shape the recovery. These publications were presented and discussed together with the perspective of one country in the region, Estonia, and its Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The EIB paper “Towards a new growth model in CESEE” sets out a growth strategy for the region to escape the middle-income trap. In the paper, Patricia Wruuck and Aron Gereben argue, based on firm-level data, that countries in the region should move beyond the traditional growth model (affordable labor, foreign direct investment, technology imports) and focus on domestic innovation, digitalization, climate change mitigation and the development of human capital.
The IMF report “Infrastructure in CESEE” examines the role infrastructure investment could play in the recovery in CESEE. Andy Jobst and his co-authors examine the infrastructure gap between CESEE and Western Europe and quantify the investment needs to close it. They argue that, if appropriately managed, infrastructure investment can contribute both to the short-term recovery and to longer-term sustainable growth without endangering fiscal stability.
Estonia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan sets out the countries spending and reform plans within the EU’s recovery framework, the aim of which are to “mitigate the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable”. With about €1 billion in size, it represents spending of more than 3 percent of Estonia’s GDP and covers infrastructure investment, skills, digitalization and the green transition. Priit Potisepp was involved both in the design of the EU instrument and in the preparation of Estonia’s recovery plan.
Laurent Millischer, Economist, JVI
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV14.01)
Accounting Education Community of Practice Workshop
Advanced Course on Financial Stability Stress Testing for Banking Systems
Balance of Payments Statistics (JV14.03)
Macro-Fiscal Modeling and Analysis (JV14.02)
Macroeconomic Management and Financial Sector Issues (JV14.04)
Sound Fiscal Institutions: The Basis for Stability, Growth, and Prosperity
Audit Training-of-Trainers
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV14.05)
Growth and Jobs Diagnostic Analysis
Introduction to Banking Supervision for Non-Supervisors (JV14.35)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV14.06)
Competitiveness, Growth and Crisis
Managing Today’s Dynamic Organisation
Subnational Fiscal and Debt Management
Economic Policies for Financial Stability (JV14.07)
Macroeconomic Policies in Times of High Capital Mobility
Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy
Central Bank Financial Strength and Independence in the Post Crisis Environment (JV14.36)
Prudential Asset Classification and Provisioning versus IFRS (JV14.37)
Macroeconomic Management and Natural Resource Management (JV14.08)
Government Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool
Advanced Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV14.09)
Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV14.10)
Financial Stability, Systemic Risk, and Macroprudential Policy (JV14.11)
Public Governance and Structural Reforms
Financial Programming and Policies (JV14.12)
European Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV14.13)
Institutional Challenges for Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries on the Road to the EU and EMU
Trade Facilitation Programme Workshop
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV14.14)
Financial Stability Policy of Central Banks: Recent Trends, Interactions with Other Policies, and Key Challenges
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV14.15)
Applied Economic Policy
Designing Government Debt Management Strategies
Implementing Government Debt Management Strategies
Financial Markets and New Financial Instruments (JV14.16)
Regional Workshop on Agreement on Agriculture for CEECAC Countries
Banking Supervision: Core Supervisory Issues
Mortgage Markets and Financial Stability (JV14.17)
Macroeconomic Implications of Fiscal Issues (JV14.18)
Central Banking and Financial Sector Legal Frameworks (JV14.19)
Bank Restructuring and Resolution (JV14.38)
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules, and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV14.20)
Legal Drafting and the Revised Financial Action Task Force's 40 Recommendations
Core Elements of Banking Supervision (JV14.34)
Advanced Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics (JV14.23)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV14.24)
Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV14.25)
WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Cash Circulation and Payment Systems in Austria
Structural Reforms
Foreign Direct Investment Policies
Financial Market Analysis (JV14.27)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV14.26)
Managing Your Business Workshop
Macro-Financial Stability in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV14.28)
Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise
Integration in Europe: European Union and Eurasian Union
Macroprudential Tools
Tools and Policies for Inclusive Growth
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy (JV14.29)
Workshop Offered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Financial Soundness Indicators (JV14.39)
Monetary and Financial Statistics Collected and Compiled by the ESCB
Public Private Partnership
Quarterly National Accounts Manual (JV14.30)
Financial Education
Administrative Reform in a Global Environment
Multi-Country Workshop on Applied European Union Economic Policy related to the Economic and Monetary Union Legislation
Macroprudential Policies (JV14.32)
External Vulnerabilities and Early Warning Exercise (JV14.33)
Technical Barriers to Trade
Country Economist Bootcamp and Fiscal Sustainability Bootcamp
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV15.01)
Balance of Payments Statistics (JV15.02)
Monetary Policy Analysis (JV15.03)
Macroeconomic Management and Financial Sector Issues (JV15.04)
Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV15.05)
Economic Policies for Financial Stability (JV15.06)
Introduction to Banking Supervision for Non-Supervisors (JV15.07)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV15.08)
Financial Stability, Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy (JV15.09)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV15.10)
Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV15.11)
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV15.12)
Safeguards Assessments of Central Banks (JV15.13)
Advanced Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV15.14)
Financial Markets and New Financial Instruments (JV15.15)
Mortgage Markets and Financial Stability (JV15.16)
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV15.17)
National Accounts Statistics (JV15.18)
Central Banking and Financial Sector Legal Frameworks (JV15.19)
Asset Classification and Provisioning from Prudential and IFRS Perspectives (JV15.20)
Macro-Financial Surveillance (JV15.21)
Fiscal Analysis and Forecasting (JV15.22)
Core Elements of Banking Supervision (JV15.23)
Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool Training
Introductory Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics (JV15.24)
Risk Based Approaches to Anti-money Laundering/Combating the of Terrorism Supervision for Financial Sector Supervisors (JV15.25)
Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries (JV15.26)
Practical Aspects of Balance of Payments Statistics Compilation (JV15.27)
Macroprudential Polices (JV15.29)
Financial Market Analysis (JV15.28)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV15.30)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV15.31)
Financial Inclusion (JV15.32)
Financial Soundness Indicators (JV15.33)
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy (JV15.34)
Monetary Policy Analysis (JV15.36)
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV15.35)
External Vulnerabilities and Early Warning Exercise (JV15.37)
Subnational Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) Tool Training
Investment and Investment Finance – Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise
Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
Regional Workshop on Trade in Services for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus Countries
Government Procurement for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Countries
Managing Today’s Dynamic Organisation: An EBRD Workshop
The EBRD’s Trade Facilitation Programme Workshop
Managing Your Business in Today’s Dynamic Environment
Financial Restructuring Workshop for South Eastern European Banking Professionals
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV16.01)
Interaction of Monetary and Financial Stability Policy
Challenges for Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries on the Road to the EU and EMU
Integration in Europe: European Union and Eurasian Economic Union
Building New Skills in Financial Translation
Audit Training-of-Trainers Workshop
Energy Subsidy Reform: Policy Issues and Reform Challenges
Macroeconomic Management and Financial Sector Issues (JV16.02)
Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework
Monetary Policy Implementation
Judicial Reform (JV16.03)
Written Communications in English
Economic Policies for Financial Stability (JV16.04)
Advanced Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy and Annual Borrowing Plan Workshop
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV16.05)
Financial Stability, Systemic Risk, and Macroprudential Policy (JV16.06)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV16.07)
Safeguards Assessments of Central Banks (JV16.08)
Asset Classification and Provisioning from a Prudential and IFRS Perspective (JV16.10)
Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV16.11)
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules, and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV16.09)
Challenges for Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries in the EU and EMU Accession Process
Advanced Macroeconomic Forecasting (JV16.12)
Management Training for Chief Financial Officers
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV16.13)
Financial Markets and New Financial Instruments (JV16.14)
Regional Trade Agreements (RTAS) and the WTO Seminar for CEECAC Countries
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV16.15)
Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Policy (JV16.16)
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (JV16.17)
Fiscal Analysis and Forecasting (JV16.19)
Macro-Financial Surveillance (JV16.18)
Advanced Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics (JV16.21)
Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries (JV16.22)
Balance Sheets and Accumulation Accounts (JV16.23)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV16.24)
Financial Markets and Instruments (JV16.25)
Macroprudential Policies (JV16.26)
WTO Regional Workshop on Agreement on Agriculture
EBRD’s Trade Facilitation Programme Workshop
Quarterly National Accounts Manual (JV16.27)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV16.28)
Models for Policy Analysis (JV16.29)
Central Banking Legal Framework (JV16.20)
Management Training for Managers from Trade Support Institutions
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy (JV16.30)
The Use of DSGE Models in the Policymaking Process (JV16.34)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV16.33)
IMF Language Services Workshop for Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Interpreters and Translators (JV16.37)
Debt Sustainability Analysis
Applied European Union Economic Policy related to the Economic and Monetary Union
The Trade Facilitation Agreement: Next Steps Towards Implementation
Workshop on Government Procurement
Financial Translation and Editing: New Skills for New Challenges
Interaction of Monetary and Financial Stability Policies
Fiscal Policy Analysis (JV17.01)
Cross-Border Position Statistics (JV17.02)
Monetary Policy (JV17.24)
Bank Restructuring and Resolution (JV17.03)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV17.05)
Fiscal Frameworks (JV17.06)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV17.08)
Systemic Macro Financial Risk Analysis (JV17.09)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV17.10)
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (JV17.11)
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV17.07)
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV17.13)
Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV17.14)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV17.15)
Safeguards Assessments of Central Banks (JV17.16)
Financial Development and Financial Inclusion (JV17.17)
Introductory Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics (JV17.18)
Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies (JV17.32)
Fiscal Sustainability (JV17.20)
Financial Markets and Instruments (JV17.21)
Implementing the International AML/CFT Standards (JV17.23)
Price Statistics (JV17.22)
Financial Sector Legal Frameworks (JV17.12)
Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries (JV17.04)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV17.25)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV17.27)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV17.26)
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (JV17.28)
Financial Soundness Indicators (JV17.29)
Financial Sector Policies (JV17.30)
Exchange Rate Policy (JV17.19)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV17.33)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (JV17.34)
EBRD Workshop on Delivering Successful Projects
International Cooperation in Central Banks
EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme Workshop
WTO Workshop for Parliamentarians from Central Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus
WTO Workshop on Market Access Related Issues
WTO Workshop on Trade Policy Modelling
Fiscal Frameworks (JV18.01)
Internal Audit Training-of-Trainers
Problem Loans & Distressed Debt Restructuring
Assessing and Managing Risks from Contingent Liabilities
Compilation of Balance of Payments Statistics (JV18.03)
Monetary Policy (JV18.02)
Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries (JV18.04)
HR Issues and Compliance
Fiscal Policy Analysis (JV18.05)
Managing Today's Dynamic Organisation
Financial Programming and Policies (JV18.14)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV18.10)
Systemic Macrofinancial Risk Analysis (JV18.09)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV18.08)
Financial Development and Financial Inclusion (JV18.16)
Securities Statistics (JV18.17)
Exchange Rate Policy (JV18.19)
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (JV18.11)
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules, and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV18.13)
Legal Framework for Central Banking (JV18.12)
Gender Budgeting
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV18.07)
Trade Policy
Financial Markets and Instruments (JV18.21)
Fiscal Sustainability (JV18.20)
Government Finance Statistics (JV18.23)
Monetary Policy (JV18.22)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV18.26)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV18.27)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV18.29)
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (JV18.28)
Macrofinancial Stability in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Public-Private Partnerships
National Accounts Statistics (JV18.30)
Inclusive Growth
Public Financial Management and Administrative Reforms
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (JV18.35)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV18.34)
Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies (JV18.33)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV18.06)
Fiscal Policy Analysis (JV18.25)
Financial Sector Policies (JV18.32)
Residential Property Price Indexes (JV18.24)
Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV18.18)
Bank Restructuring and Resolution (JV18.15)
EBRD Management Training for Chief Financial Officers Workshop
EBRD Workshop
Workshop on Trade in Services for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus Countries
The Trade Facilitation Agreement: For Central Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus
Basel Framework and the Challenges of Implementation
Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries
Financial Stability Policy of Central Banks
Advanced Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics (JV19.07)
Sound Fiscal Institutions
Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing for Banking Systems
Fiscal Frameworks (JV19.01)
Compilation of Balance of Payment Statistics (JV19.03)
Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries (JV19.04)
Financial Markets and Instruments (JV19.02)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV19.06)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV19.08)
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (JV19.10)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV19.11)
Monetary Policy (JV19.13)
Fiscal Policy Analysis (JV19.16)
Financial Development and Financial Inclusion (JV19.18)
Topics in Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis (JV19.12)
Social Protection, Taxation and Employment
Real Estate Analysis and Policies
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks, Fiscal Rules, and Fiscal Councils: Options to Ensure Fiscal Sustainability (JV19.15)
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions (JV19.09)
Statistics on International Trade in Goods and Services (JV19.14)
Exchange Rate Policy (JV19.21)
Fiscal Sustainability (JV19.23)
Financial Sector Surveillance (JV19.22)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (JV19.24)
Inclusive Growth (JV19.25)
Fiscal Policy Analysis (JV19.27)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (JV19.26)
Financial Soundness Indicators (JV19.28)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (JV19.29)
Financial Sector Policies (JV19.30)
Financial Programming and Policies (JV19.32)
Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies (JV19.33)
Fiscal Sustainability (JV19.35)
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (JV19.34)
Non-performing Loans
Safeguards Assessments of Central Banks (JV19.17)
Monetary Policy Communication
Corporate and Household Insolvency (JV19.20)
Gender Budgeting (JV19.05)
Assessing and Managing Credit Risk from Contingent Liabilities: A Focus on Government Guarantees
Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Risks Analysis
Managing Government Cash and Debt: A Debt Portfolio Risk Approach
Risk-Focused Bank Supervision and Risk Assessment
Fiscal Frameworks
External Debt Statistics
Financial Markets and Instruments
Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries
Fiscal Costs and Risks from PPPs
Future of Taxation - Virtual Training - Part 1
Banking sector regulatory and supervisory response to deal with the impact of Coronavirus
Non-performing Loans: Management and Resolution - Virtual Training
Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing for Banking Systems - Virtual Training
April 2020 IMF Global Financial Stability Report & May 2020 ECB Financial Stability Review
Covid-19 and the Macroeconomic Outlook for Europe
Selected Issues in Financial Sector Policies - Virtual Training - Track 1
Selected Issues in Financial Sector Policies - Virtual Training - Track 2
Public Governance and Structural Reforms - Virtual Training
Monetary Policy - Virtual Training
Bank Restructuring and Resolution - Virtual Training
Responding to COVID-19: PFM challenges
Future of Taxation - Virtual Training - Part 2
Responding to COVID-19 challenges: Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Risk
Collecting Taxes in Times of Crisis
Responding to COVID-19: Expenditure Policies to protect livelihoods
Inclusive Growth - Virtual Training
Government Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool - Virtual Training
Responding to COVID-19: Mastering Cash & Debt Management Challenges
Pandemic Preparedness for Financial Institutions and Central Banks
Foreign Direct Investment Policies - Virtual Training
Structural Reforms - Virtual Training
Challenges for Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries in the EU and EMU Accession Process - Virtual Training
Responding to COVID-19: Investment for Economic Recovery and Growth
Borrower Relief Measures in Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Public-Private Partnerships - Virtual Training
Crisis course: past and current crises and future challenges - Virtual Training
Macrofinancial Considerations for Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Macroeconomic Diagnostics - Virtual Training
Balance Sheet And Accumulation Accounts - Virtual Training
Macrofinancial Stability in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe - Virtual Training
Monetary and Financial Statistics Collected and Compiled by the ESCB - Virtual Training
Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise - Virtual Training
Financial Sector Surveillance - Virtual Training
Public Financial Management and Administrative Reforms - Virtual Training
Financial Programming and Policies - Virtual Training
Central Bank Support to Financial Markets in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Virtual Training
The Future of Work: Opportunities and Challenges for Jobs Earnings and Inequality - Virtual Training
Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries - Virtual Training
Tools and Policies for Inclusive Growth - Virtual Training - Cancelled
Monetary Policy Communication - Virtual Training
Fintech and Financial Stability - Virtual Training
Public Investment for the Recovery – Fiscal Monitor
TAIEX Multi-Country Webinar on the Impact of Inter-governmental Agreements on Public Procurement
Digitalisation and Taxation
Annual Lecture 2020: A Panel Discussion on Strengthening Institutions to Promote an Inclusive and Smart Recovery
COVID-19 and the Treatment of Restructured Loans for Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI) Compilation
Key Global and European Risks to Financial Stability
The New Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI)
Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing for Banking Systems - Virtual
Financial Education - Virtual
Understanding, Assessing and Managing Fiscal Risks - Virtual
Assessing and Managing Fiscal Risks from Public-Private-Partnerships - Virtual
Financial Programming and Policies - Virtual
Gender Budgeting - Virtual
Monetary and Financial Statistics - Introductory - Virtual
Financial Sector Surveillance - Virtual
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis - Virtual
Fiscal Frameworks - Virtual
Legal Aspects of International Financial Institutions - Virtual
Systemic Macro Financial Risk Analysis - During Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic - Virtual
Social Insurance, Taxation, and Employment - Virtual
Monetary Policy - Virtual
Public Governance and Structural Reforms - Virtual
Fiscal Policy Analysis - virtual
Climate Change and Green Finance - Virtual
Euro Area Integration and Accession: Institutional Challenges and Governance Issues for Central Bankers - Virtual
Diversity and Inclusion - Virtual
Macrofinancial Stability in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe - Virtual
Financial Translation and Editing: Trends and Tools for Future Challenges - Cancelled
Cash Circulation and Payment Systems in Austria - Cancelled
Foreign Direct Investment Policies - Virtual
Public-Private Partnerships - Virtual
Future of Taxation - Virtual
Tools and Policies for Inclusive Growth - Virtual
Public Financial Management and Administrative Reforms - Virtual
The Future of Work: Opportunities and Challenges for Jobs Earnings and Inequality - Virtual
Monetary Policy Communication - Virtual
Non-performing Loans: Management and Resolution - Virtual
Structural Reforms - Virtual
Fintech and Financial Stability - Virtual
Financial Stability Policy of Central Banks - Virtual
Government Debt Management Performance Assessment Tool - Virtual
Management Framework for Government Guarantees and Credit Risk Assessment Tool - Virtual
Financial Inclusion - Virtual
Vulnerability Diagnostics - Virtual
Fiscal Sustainability - Virtual
Financial Markets and Instruments - Virtual
Exchange Rate Policy - Virtual
Inclusive Growth - Virtual
Debt Management, Debt Reporting, and Investor Relations - Virtual
Financial Sector Policies - Virtual
Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies - Virtual
Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries - Virtual
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Virtual
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models - Virtual
Price Statistics - Virtual
Climate Change Economics - Virtual
Policy Support to the Private Sector - Virtual
Sound Fiscal Institutions - Virtual
Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework - Virtual
Fiscal Sustainability - Virtual
Financial Soundness Indicators - Virtual
Financial Inclusion - Virtual
Financial Markets and Instruments - Virtual
Managing Capital Flows - Virtual
Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise - Virtual
Fiscal Policy Analysis - Virtual
Developing an Annual Borrowing Plan in line with the Debt Management Strategy - Virtual
Resource-rich Countries’ response to the Pandemic
Competitiveness, Growth and Crisis - Virtual
Designing Government Debt Management Strategies - Virtual
Implementing Government Debt Management Strategies - Virtual
Local Currency Bond Market Development - Virtual
Analytical Chapters of the Fall 2020 IMF World Economic Outlook
Monetary Policy Response to Covid-19 Pandemic in Central Europe
Macroeconomic Diagnostics - Virtual
Monetary Policy Implementation - Virtual
Debt and Cash Management - Virtual
Macroprudential Tools - Virtual
Fiscal Rules – Quo Vadis?
The Impact of COVID-19 on Residential Real Estate
Assessing and Managing Credit Risk from Contingent Liabilities: A Focus on Government Guarantees - Virtual
COVID-19: How to Record Government Policy Interventions in Fiscal Statistics
The state of corporate investment and the financial system in CESEE after the pandemic - results from two surveys
Bank Restructuring and Resolution - Virtual
Real Estate Analysis and Policies - Virtual
Are the Remittance Flows Another Casualty of COVID-19? The Macroeconomic Consequences of Remittances: The Impact of COVID-19
Projecting Public Debt and Fiscal Adjustment Paths - Virtual
Cyber Risk Supervision - Path to Operational Resilience - Virtual
Presentation of 2020 World Trade Report, "An in-depth look at the World Trade Report 2020: Government policies to promote innovation in the digital age.''
The JVI launches a webinar series on the economics of climate change
Human Capital Index – What is it, and why should we care about it?
Second climate webinar: The political economy of climate action – from public opinion to policy
The Impact of COVID-19 on Commercial Real Estate
Medium-term Scarring and the Unequal Labor Market Impacts of the COVID-19 Recession: Patterns and Policies for the Recovery
Global and European Financial Stability Risks
Climate webinar #3: Putting a price on carbon
Recovery and growth in CESEE
Fiscal Transparency in CESEE
Climate webinar #4: The role of financial sector oversight
Climate Webinar #5: Modelling Climate Change
Adapting to the Digital Trade Era: Challenges and Opportunities
Unwinding Covid-19 Policy Interventions for Banking Systems
Diagnosing corruption and its costs
Climate Webinar #6: Green Finance – a Step Towards a Greener Economy
Crisis course: past and current crises and future challenges - Virtual
The international investment policy regime: the need to reform and implications for developing countries
BEPS and the way forward
Will Corporate Bankruptcies Rise Following the Pandemic, and What can be Done About it? A Panel Discussion
Climate webinar #7: Mitigation beyond carbon pricing
Sovereign Debt Challenges: Global Developments and IMF Approach
International Capital Flows: Is This Tapering Different?
Open Lecture, Infrastructure in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe: Benchmarking, Macroeconomic Impact, and Policy Issues
Sound Fiscal Institutions - Virtual
Public Governance and Structural Reforms - Virtual
Future of Taxation
Trade Policy - Cancelled
Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
HR Issues and Compliance - Virtual
Climate Change and Green Finance
Euro Area Integration and Accession: Institutional Challenges and Governance Issues for Central Bankers
Financial Translation and Editing: Trends and Tools for Future Challenges
Risk-Focused Supervision and Risk Assessment Seminar - Cancelled
Climate Change Economics
The Future of Work: Opportunities and Challenges for Jobs Earnings and Inequality
Interaction of Monetary and Financial Stability Policies - Virtual
Applied Economic Policy - Cancelled
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics – Intermediate - Virtual
Gender Budgeting - Virtual
Legal Frameworks for Banking Supervision and Resolution: Key Themes and Emerging Legal Developments - Virtual
Advanced Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics - Virtual
Management and Evaluation of Government Guarantees - Virtual
Developing an Annual Borrowing Plan in line with the Debt Management Strategy - Virtual
Implementing Government Debt Management Strategies - Virtual
Pandemics and Inequality: From the Black Death to the Spanish Flu (and Beyond)
Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis - Virtual
Developing Domestic Debt Markets
Public Sector Debt Statistics - Fundamental
Corporate and Household Insolvency - Virtual
Macroeconomic Diagnostics - Virtual
Financial Development and Financial Inclusion
Inclusive Growth - Virtual
Vulnerability Diagnostics - Virtual
Exchange Rate Policy - Virtual
Macroeconomic Diagnostics
Fiscal Policy Analysis
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting
Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies
Financial Programming and Policies
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models
Projecting Public Debt and Fiscal Adjustment Paths: Part II - Virtual
Securities Statistics
Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool - Virtual
Institutional Sector Accounts-Introductory Level
Safeguards Assessments of Central Banks
The New Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)
Central Bank Digital Currencies - Virtual
Monetary Policy Implementation - Virtual
Corporate Insolvencies, Debt Overhang and Loan Guarantee Schemes During and After the Pandemic
JVI Webinar: How to Achieve Inclusive Growth
Panel Discussion on the Monetary Policy Challenges during the Pandemic in the JVI region
Nonperforming Loans in Asia and Europe—Causes, Impacts, and Resolution Strategies
Climate webinar #8: Fiscal Risks and Climate Change in the United Kingdom
Firm Recovery and Covid-19: Productivity, Competition and the Digital Divide
Real Estate Analysis
Strategic and Practical Considerations in Pursuing Money Laundering Cases
Countercyclical Properties of Fiscal Rules
EU membership and convergence: The Experience of Central and Eastern Europe
Modelling Trade Policy Scenarios
Crisis and resilience course
Construction, Real Estate and Climate Change
Rethinking European Labor Market Policies in the Post-Pandemic Era
Shockwaves from the War in Ukraine
JVI Annual Lecture: Central and Eastern Europe after 30 years. Success and Challenges Ahead
Webinar on Regional Economic Outlook – Inflation Dynamics and Spillovers of US Monetary Policy
TAIEX Workshop on the implications of the European Green Deal - Virtual
The Economic Outlook for Europe
Webinar/Open Lecture AA/PGS
Management and Evaluation of Government Guarantees
Assessing and Managing Debt-related Fiscal Risks: A Focus on Government Guarantees
Macroprudential Policy Implementation
Risk-focused Supervision and Risk Assessment
Nonperforming Loans
Fintech and Financial Stability
Euro Area Integration
How digitalization shapes the future of taxation: trends, opportunities, and challenges
Online Learning: Available Opportunities from the IMF
Diversity and Inclusion
Geopolitics and Financial Fragmentation: Implications for Macro-Financial Stability
Corporate and Household Insolvency
National Accounts Statistics - Advanced
Tax Compliance Risk Management
Informality: Policy Objectives, Options, and Constraints
Bank Restructuring and Resolution
Financial Soundness Indicators
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis
Financial Sector Surveillance
Monetary Policy
Understanding, Assessing and Managing Fiscal Risks
Consumer Price Index-Advanced
Building Institutions to Fight Corruption
Cyber Risk Supervision – Path to Operational Resilience
Seminar on the functioning of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) for officials from EU candidate countries and potential candidates
Residential Property Price Indices
Policies for SME development in Eastern Partner countries – focus on digitalisation, RIA, M&E
WTO Regional SPS Workshop for CEECAC Countries
Workshop on Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA 2012)
The Economic Outlook for Europe: Turbulent Times
Rethinking Energy Policies in Europe Following the Ukraine War: How to Support the Vulnerable and Speed up the Green Transition
Debt and Cash Management
Monetary policy challenges inside and outside of the euro area
Public Debt Dynamics, Fiscal Adjustment, and Climate-Related Risks in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia
Vulnerability Diagnostics
Fiscal Sustainability
Exchange Rate Policy
Central Bank Digital Currencies: Principles and Policy Considerations
Financial Sector Policies
Taxing Crime – A Whole-of-Government Approach to Fighting Corruption, Money Laundering and Tax Crimes
Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis
EU fiscal rules: An assessment of trends and prospects against the backdrop of the ongoing economic governance review
Greening Monetary Policy in times of high inflation
New Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
Regional Workshop on E-commerce for CEECAC region
Towards Positive Neutral Countercyclical Capital Buffer Rates in the JVI Region
The Macroeconomics of Aging Populations
Transforming Public Finance Through GovTech
Public-Private Cooperation for the Green and Digital Transition
Institutional Sector Accounts - Advanced Level
Government Finance Statistics - Advanced
Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing – Foundations
Financial Education Initiatives – Best Practice and Strategies
HR Issues in a Changing World
Future of Work
Tax Collection and Arrears Management
Green Finance – Focus on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation
Nonperforming Loans: Management and Resolution
Financial Translation and Editing: Adding Value in an Increasingly Digital World
Cash Management in the Euro Area and Austria
Selected Issues in Regulation and Supervision of Fintech
Strengthening Medium-term Budgeting of Public Investment
Debt Sustainability Framework
Regional Workshop on Technical Barriers to Trade for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus Countries (CEECAC)
Trade Policy Workshop
Regional Workshop on the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for CEECAC Members and Observers
Will inflation persist amid tight labor markets in CESEE?
Corporate Household Insolvency
High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity
Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries
Macroeconomics of Climate Change
Gender Inequality and Macroeconomics
Fintech Market Development and Policy Implications
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting - Blended
Financial Development and Financial Inclusion - Blended
Financial Crisis Management
Strengthening Collaboration between Tax Authorities and AML Authorities for Enhanced Revenue Enforcement and Financial Crimes Investigation
Safeguards Assessment of Central Banks
Workshop: Macro-relevant Environment and Climate Change Statistics
E-Money and Mobile Payments
Public Financial Management Legal Frameworks
Data Adequacy Assessment
Legal Aspects of Digital Assets and Services
Greening EU Fiscal Rules
Managing Fiscal Risks – A Hands-On Approach
Climate Change Mitigation and Policy Spillovers in the EU’s Immediate Neighborhood
Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework for Market Access Countries
Artificial Intelligence: Implications for the Future of Work
JVI Annual Lecture: Labor Market Challenges in the Age of AI
Financial Programming and Policies - Blended
Analysing Macrofinancial Linkages and Interacting with International Institutions
Cohort Training on Fiscal Policy Analysis and Sustainability - Blended
Monetary and Financial Statistics - Advanced
Big Data for Macroeconomic Statistics
Financial Stability and Supervisory Stress Testing – Advanced
Public Policies for the Green and Digital Transition
Developing Non-Bank Finance in the CESEE Region: Prospects and Challenges
Macroprudential Tools for Banks and Non-Banks
Central Banking in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Quarterly National Accounts
Public Sector Debt Statistics – Fundamental
Tax Policy and Administration: Theory and Practice
Financial Market Infrastructures: Principles and Practices
Selected Issues in the Regulation and Supervision of Fintech
Management and Evaluation of Credit risks from SOEs and Government Guarantees
Quantitative Integrated Policy Analysis: Model, Estimation, and Country Applications
SOE Oversight: Ownership, Financial Performance & Fiscal Risks
Real Estate Analysis and Policies (at the National Bank of Poland)
Income Convergence Through EU Integration: The Experience of Central and Eastern Europe
Assessing and Managing the International Dimensions of Green Development