Public-Private Partnerships - Virtual


TARGET GROUP | Decision makers in ministries of economy and finance, ministries of transportation/public works, economic development institutions, and regional governments.


DESCRIPTION | This one-week course deals with the issues emerging from public-private partnerships in a variety of economic relations. The aim of the course is to provide the theoretical background for public-private partnerships, to analyze the contractual relations that emerge, and to study in detail the financial relationship and the sharing of risks and proceeds between public and private partners. The course draws on European and other experiences, including in particular the Austrian experience. An attempt is also made to bring to the fore the experiences of transition countries. The lectures and discussions cover specific sectors and cases, and provide detailed analysis of the political, legal and financial issues involved. Sectors covered include infrastructure, energy, health, innovation and science, and others. Equity and debt financing and the issue of risk sharing are discussed in depth. Practical examples and exercises are also provided.


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Course Details

Start: 20211004Oct 04
End: 20211015Oct 15

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: AA

Application Deadline: September 12, 2021

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