Assessing and Managing Credit Risk from Contingent Liabilities: A Focus on Government Guarantees - Virtual


TARGET GROUP | Government risk managers, particularly from debt and fiscal risk management offices, from WBG client countries, with a focus on IBRD and Blend countries.


DESCRIPTION | This five-day training will help government risk managers in identifying and classifying the key types of Contingent Liabilities (CLs) countries are exposed to and the key characteristics of a government’s risk exposure. In addition to providing participants with a framework for CL risk management, the training will primarily focus on assessing and managing risks from government guarantees. The training is highly interactive, delivered through a combination of presentations, case studies and hands-on exercises. Participants put the lessons learned in the presentations into practice through case studies, group work and hands-on exercises. The presentations serve to provide a framework for thinking through the risk management issues, to provide some basic understanding of technical issues, and to serve as a base for the hands-on portion of the training.

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Course Details

Start: 20210614Jun 14
End: 20210618Jun 18

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: IBRD

Application Deadline: By invitation only

How to apply

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