TARGET GROUP | Compilers of consumer price indexes (CPIs), producer price indexes (PPIs), or export-import price indexes (XMPIs). Participants should have a degree in economics or statistics or equivalent experience.
DESCRIPTION | This two-week course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, is intended to broaden participants’ understanding of the concepts and methods of compiling CPIs, PPIs, and XMPIs. It provides an overview of the index number theory and its practical implications in terms of choosing the index number formula at lower and higher levels of aggregation. The course also covers methods for sampling and collecting data from outlets and establishments. New and emerging data sources as well as new collection technologies are discussed. Frontier issues including how to better measure the digital economy are included. The role of price indexes as deflators in the 2008 SNA is analyzed, as are related principles of scope, coverage, and valuation. There are sessions on the following topics: methods for handling temporarily and permanently missing items; adjusting prices for quality changes, including new products, establishments, and outlets; chaining and linking indexes with updated weighting structures; and meeting data users’ needs to ensure relevancy.
The course follows the principles and recommended practices in the CPI (2004), PPI (2004), and XMPI (2009) manuals.
OBJECTIVES | Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: Apply the principles of price index theory. Assess how well a price index meets international guidelines for best practice. Apply methods for dealing with such index compilation challenges as unavailable items, quality change, and keeping an index up to date.
Start: 20210802Aug 02
End: 20210813Aug 13
Language: Eng/Pyc
Sponsoring Organization: IMF
Application Deadline: June 13, 2021
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