JVI is gradually resuming classroom delivery. This course is scheduled to take place at JVI, but may have to be delivered virtually in case safe travel to and in-person training in Vienna will not be possible. The decision to offer virtual instead of onsite training, or a combination of the two (hybrid), will be made within 5 weeks of the course start date.
TARGET GROUP | Decision makers in ministries of economy and finance, ministries of transportation/public works, ministries of labour and social affairs, economic development institutions, and central banks.
DESCRIPTION | This one-week course deals with the issues emerging from economic crises in a variety of economic relations. The aim of the course is to provide the theoretical and empirical background for a better understanding of the economics of crises. The course draws on the global crisis experiences with a focus on the European region covering the consequences of the financial crises, the Covid-19 pandemic, and armed conflicts. Besides the immediate crisis impact, the course discusses future challenges in particular the green transition and the impact of the new technological advances on the labour markets. The course covers aspects of fiscal, monetary, health and climate change policies to mitigate the impact. The course involves on-site discussions and presentations by the participants.
End: Nov 18
Language: English
Sponsoring Organization: AA
Admin Arrangements
Application Deadline: August 14, 2022