JVI is gradually resuming classroom delivery. This course is scheduled to take place at JVI, but may have to be delivered virtually in case safe travel to and in-person training in Vienna will not be possible. The decision to offer virtual instead of onsite training, or a combination of the two (hybrid), will be made within 5 weeks of the course start date.
TARGET GROUP | Mid-level officials from debt management offices, ministries of finance and central banks, and other relevant entities working on government debt management issues.
DESCRIPTION | Developing countries face various policy, institutional, and operational challenges due to weak debt management capacity and lack of efficient debt markets. The Government Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) methodology, which was updated by the World Bank in 2020, provides a systemic tool for assessing debt management performance based on international sound practices in government debt management. The use of the DeMPA methodology for evaluation of government debt management capacity enables timely identification of existing weaknesses and design of the corrective actions.
This one-week course aims to (i) acquaint participants with the new trends and challenges in public debt management in developing countries, and (ii) help participants understand the scope and methodology for the application of the DeMPA methodology. By the end of the course, participants should understand the inter-linkages between the debt performance indicators, the use of evidence-based data for assessing debt management in a country, and be familiar with the scoring methodology. The course format includes presentations and hands-on case studies with discussions on operational application. It also includes a half-day module on designing debt management reform plans in developing countries, presenting capacity-building issues and sequencing aspects through actual country experiences. This exercise aims to help alleviate the weaknesses identified and analyzed by the DeMPA or through other assessments. It also enables participants to learn in detail about expected outputs and outcomes, actions, sequencing and milestones, and provide estimates of the budget and resources required to implement the plan.
End: Aug 19
Language: English
Sponsoring Organization: IBRD
Admin Arrangements
Application Deadline: By invitation only
How to apply