TARGET GROUP | Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics. Participants should have a degree in economics or statistics, or equivalent experience. Previous completion of the MFS-I course in person or virtual is recommended.
DESCRIPTION | This virtual course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG 2016). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This virtual course is an abbreviated version of the longer, advanced MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
OBJECTIVES | Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe the role of OFCs in the financial sector and the related implications of data collection for monetary statistics purposes.
• Distinguish between different types of OFCs.
• Compile OFC monetary statistics according to IMF standardized report form 4SR for OFCs.
Start: 20220321Mar 21
End: 20220324Mar 24
Language: Eng/Pyc
Sponsoring Organization: IMF
Application Deadline: February 06, 2022
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