Assessing and Managing Debt-related Fiscal Risks: A Focus on Government Guarantees


TARGET GROUP | World Bank Group staff and selected country clients (especially from ministries of finance and central banks).


DESCRIPTION | Governments need to identify fiscal risks, analyze and monitor them, and where appropriate take steps to mitigate them. Sound management and monitoring of risks helps reduce countries’ vulnerability to macroeconomic, fiscal and financial shocks. Furthermore, disclosing fiscal risks is an essential element of fiscal transparency. This five-day workshop aims to help government risk managers in identifying and classifying the key types of debt-related Contingent Liabilities (CLs) countries are exposed to and the key characteristics of a government’s exposure to these fiscal risks. In addition to providing participants with a framework for CL risk management, the training will primarily focus on assessing and managing credit risk from the debt of public sector entities, with an implementation on government guarantees and on-lending. The workshop is structured to induce a high level of interaction among participants with group work and hands-on exercises that will challenge participants to analyze issues, discuss alternative viewpoints, and take and communicate decisions. Learning from experiences of other participants will be an integral part of the program. Prior to attending the workshop, participants must prepare a brief presentation on fiscal risk management practices in their countries. We are therefore inviting mid-level officials from developing countries and transition economies responsible for assessment and/or management of risks from public sector entities, sovereign guarantees and PPPs.

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Course Details

Start: 20230424Apr 24
End: 20230428Apr 28

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: IBRD

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: By invitation only

How to apply

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