National Accounts Statistics - Advanced


TARGET GROUP | Compilers of national accounts statistics employed by agencies responsible for official national accounts statistics. Participants are expected to have a degree in economics, or statistics; or equivalent experience.


DESCRIPTION | This course, presented by the Statistics Department, covers theoretical and practical aspects in the compilation of national accounts statistics based on the conceptual framework of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA). The course consists of lectures covering advanced methodological and compilation issues of the 2008 SNA and workshops consisting of practical exercises in compiling the accounts. The main aim of the course is to train participants in developing and using more advanced compilation techniques in areas including supply and use tables (SUTs), input-output tables, price and volume measures, and thematic satellite accounts. The course starts with SNA framework and will discuss how these accounts can be extended to address specific user needs. The main lectures and workshops include:

• Conceptual framework of the SNA;

• Output of specific industries;

• SUTs and input-outputs tables;

• Price and volume measurement;

• Estimating consumption of fixed capital; and

• Thematic satellite accounts, with a focus on topics covered in the update of the 2008 SNA (e.g., informal economy, labor accounts).


Emphasis is also placed on sharing country experiences among the participants.


OBJECTIVES | Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

• Describe the conceptual framework of the SNA.

• Apply specific techniques to derive value added in special cases.

• Apply the techniques used to balance SUTs.

• Understand the process of converting SUTs to input-output tables.

• Explain the price and volume measurement techniques, including chain linking.

• Apply appropriate techniques to estimate volume estimates of value added and GDP by expenditure in constant prices.

• Understand the principles and practice of estimating consumption of fixed capital using perpetual inventory models.

• Understand the key features of satellite accounts and their use for policy-relevant economic analysis.


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Course Details

Start: 20230123Jan 23
End: 20230203Feb 03

Language: Eng/Pyc

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: October 30, 2022

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