Public Debt Dynamics, Fiscal Adjustment, and Climate-Related Risks in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia


Target Group: The workshop is intended for officials working in macro-fiscal policy / debt management units of ministries, agencies, and central banks dealing with the analysis of debt developments. Participants are expected to have the necessary analytical background, e.g. through participation in one of the virtual workshops in March 2021 or March 2022, completion of the DDTx, other relevant training (e.g. participation in recent Fiscal Sustainability courses), and / or experience from the job. During the participants selection process, preference will be given to applicants, who can fully or partially meet the above criteria. Those who still want to pass or retake the self-paced online course on “Projecting Public Debt: The Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDTx)”, which started on October 8, can do so by registering here. The online course will be open to all until December 31, 2022.


Description: This workshop is presented by staff from the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), the JVI and CCAMTAC. This workshop will focus on the analysis of public debt development and scenarios using the Excel-based Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT), developed by the ICD. The workshop will discuss country-specific calibrations for scenarios that capture the macroeconomic effects of climate change (including natural disasters) and of climate-friendly policies (adaptation, mitigation, and transition management), emphasizing how these scenarios can be incorporated in the new DDT with Gross Financing Needs (DDT_GFN). During this workshop, participants are expected to apply their knowledge to their own country, preparing group presentations and debt reports, which will allow for the comparison of debt developments across the region.


Objectives: The overall objective of this workshop for officials from the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia is to analyze how public debt in their countries is expected to change over time, assess fiscal adjustment paths to achieve a user-defined public debt target, consider the potential impact of climate-related shocks and other customized shocks.

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Course Details

Start: 20230123Jan 23
End: 20230127Jan 27

Language: Eng/Pyc

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: December 04, 2022

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