Fiscal Sustainability


TARGET GROUP | All government officials are welcome to register. This course is particularly useful for officials from ministries of finance, debt agencies, central banks, and other government agencies responsible for implementing macroeconomic and debt policies.


QUALIFICATIONS | Participants are expected to have a degree in economics or equivalent work experience and some familiarity with using spreadsheets.


COURSE DESCRIPTION | This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, introduces the easy-to-use Excel-based Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT) and explains how to use this tool for projecting the stock of public debt for the baseline (most likely) and alternative scenarios, including natural-disaster scenarios and fan charts. The DDT is also used to estimate paths of fiscal adjustments consistent with a user-defined target level of debt. Participants are given preliminary data and are expected to present an analysis of the public debt situation in their country (or the country of their choice) at the end of the course.


COURSE OBJECTIVES | Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:


• Project public debt.

• Identify the main drivers of public debt changes.

• Compute measures of fiscal adjustments consistent with a public debt target.

• Conduct a stress test to public debt projections, including through the use of fan charts.

• Identify the main components of a debt sustainability analysis to assess the risk of debt distress.

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Course Details

Start: 20240708Jul 08
End: 20240719Jul 19

Language: Eng/Pyc

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: April 07, 2024

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