Workshop: Macro-relevant Environment and Climate Change Statistics


TARGET GROUP | Officials from National Statistics Agencies, Ministries of Finance, Planning and Environment, Central Banks, and other agencies, who are responsible for compiling and/or using environment or climate change related indicators.


QUALIFICATIONS | Participants are expected to have a degree in economics or statistics.


COURSE DESCRIPTION | This three-day course, conducted by the Statistics Department familiarizes participants with key climate change related indicators that can be developed to better inform economic and financial policies. The statistics covered include Environmental revenues and expenditures, Natural Resource Accounts, Physical and Transition risk indicators, Air Emission Accounts and indicators of Sustainable Finance. The course consists of a series of lectures giving overview of methods for compiling climate change-related indicators, and insights into the analytical uses of the climate change-related indicators.


COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

· Provide an overview of the type of indicators that can be used to help understand the economic and financial implications of climate change.

· Identify data sources, compilation methods, and uses of key climate indicators.

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Course Details

Start: 20240730Jul 30
End: 20240801Aug 01

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: June 09, 2024

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