Monetary Policy Implementation


TARGET GROUP | (i) Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in monetary policy operations; and (ii) officials from central banks or ministries of finance/economy whose responsibilities require, or who have a strong interest in acquiring, a thorough understanding of monetary policy implementation.


DESCRIPTION | The implementation of monetary policy requires both well-defined goals and a consistent set of policy instruments to achieve them. This one-week course will place central banks’ monetary policy operations in the context of the broader monetary policy strategy. It will emphasize the link between policy formulation and implementation, discuss monetary policy objectives and instruments, and explain the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanisms. The course will then focus on the operational details of implementing monetary policy, including the interest rate steering approach and the role of a central bank’s balance sheet. The course will also cover specific aspects of monetary policy implementation: liquidity analysis, the operational design of conventional and unconventional monetary policy instruments, the role of foreign exchange interventions, and the consistency of operational frameworks. Finally, the course will also cover current challenges in monetary policy implementation, including the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects.


OBJECTIVES | Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: Formulate principles for monetary policy and the implications for monetary operations. Describe monetary policy implementation using an interest rate steering approach, as well as the role of the central bank’s balance sheet. Conduct liquidity analysis. Understand the operational design of monetary policy instruments. Analyze foreign exchange interventions. Assess the consistency of operational frameworks. Understand monetary policy implementation in the Eurosystem. Understand ESG-related challenges.

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Course Details

Start: 20240304Mar 04
End: 20240308Mar 08

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: JVI/DBB/OeNB

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: December 17, 2023

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