Real Estate Analysis and Policies


TARGET GROUP | Staff from central banks, finance ministries and other public institutions who are involved in real estate analysis and policymaking.


DESCRIPTION | The real estate sector is often a key driver of macroeconomic developments and very important from a financial stability perspective, due to its close links with the financial sector.


This one-week course provides a holistic overview of the real estate sector, its linkages with the rest of the economy and the various policies that affect real estate markets. The focus of the course is on residential real estate, yet it discusses commercial real estate issues and related risks to the extent possible as well.


The course first provides participants with conceptual frameworks and indicators for the analysis of real estate markets, including the construction of real estate price indices. This is followed by reviewing the range of policies influencing real estate developments, including banking supervision, macroprudential policy, fiscal policy and spatial / planning policies. Special attention will be placed on recent housing market developments in Europe and the JVI Region and related policy implications and challenges.

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Course Details

Start: 20241021Oct 21
End: 20241025Oct 25

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: JVI/NBP/NBS/ECB

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: July 21, 2024

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