Foreign Direct Investment Policies


TARGET GROUP | Decision makers involved in FDI policy and promotion, representatives from privatization agencies, strategic advisors to decision-making bodies and opinion leaders.


DESCRIPTION | This one-week course examines the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in economic growth and structural change, and its importance in the transition process. Special attention is given to theoretical and practical aspects of attracting FDI to countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE).


Topics include:

• Global and regional trends in FDI

• Determinants of FDI

• FDI and sustainable development

• Impact of FDI on technology and innovation

• The motivation of firms to invest in foreign countries

• The role of governments in formulating FDI policies including, inter alia, privatization policies, tax incentives, location policy, and other measures to provide an attractive FDI environment


Participants gain practical knowledge from case studies on a country, regional, and enterprise level, and from Austrian and other countries’ experiences with respect to FDI-related policies in the framework of globalization and European integration.

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Course Details

Start: 20251013Oct 13
End: 20251017Oct 17

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: AA

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: July 13, 2025

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