Investment and Investment Finance: Guiding Principles and EIB Group Expertise


TARGET GROUP | Officials from ministries of finance, economy and industry, central banks, and public investment banks and agencies.


DESCRIPTION | This one-week course analyzes investment and investment finance, in particular in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European countries, Western Balkans and Central Asia. It addresses macroeconomic issues and sectorial specificities and discusses the relevance of strategic planning of investment, as well as appropriate policies and instruments to support the green and digital transitions across the region in an inclusive way. In case studies, participants elaborate on public sector strategies for investment support in different regions of the world.


The course also presents the role of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in financing investment, with EIB Group experts discussing best standards and practices in terms of investment and investment finance decisions, instruments, and other issues (cost-benefit analysis, procurement, impact measurement, etc.). This course also provides a unique opportunity to strengthen operational links between the European Investment Bank and some of its partner countries, while at the same time disseminating best practices and standards in line with EU priorities. Course participants will have the potential to become EIB entry points in their respective administrations, in line with the broader purpose of this training to support economic development and convergence in partner countries through an increased visibility of the EIB and joint business opportunities.

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Course Details

Start: 20251006Oct 06
End: 20251010Oct 10

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: EIB

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: July 06, 2025

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