Financial Programming and Policies - Blended


TARGET AUDIENCE : Officials from ministries of finance, economy, planning and central banks who advise on or help design and implement macroeconomic and financial policies.


DESCRIPTION : This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, explains how to diagnose macroeconomic imbalances, and correct them through a coordinated set of adjustment policies. It covers the principal features of the four main macroeconomic sectors (real, fiscal, external, and monetary) and their interlinkages, highlighting both accounting and behavioral relationships and using data from a country case study.


OBJECTIVES : Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:


• Create consistent macroeconomic baseline projections on the assumption that policies do not change, while respecting accounting and behavioral links among economic variables.

• Analyze the baseline macroeconomic scenario, to understand economic and financial developments, and diagnose macroeconomic imbalances.

• Identify economic vulnerabilities and risks in the baseline scenario and articulate how policy measures address them.

• Prepare an adjustment program that reflects the selected policy measures and their macroeconomic impact.

• Negotiate an economic adjustment program with the respective counterparty in a role-playing simulation.


Blended FPP course will be partly delivered virtually via Moodle platform and partly held in-person.

• In the virtual part of the course, June 30 - July 11, which will run for two weeks, participants will self-study the prescribed material and attend live virtual meetings (about two hours long) on every other day. There will be an online mini assessment at the end of every lesson in the virtual part of this course.

• In the in-person part of the course, which will also run for two weeks (but full time), participation will most of their time in hands-on workshops, working together in small groups, to formulate first a baseline macro framework and then prepare and negotiate an economic adjustment program for the case-study country under the guidance of an experienced counselor.

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Course Details

Start: 20250721Jul 21
End: 20250801Aug 01

Language: Eng/Pyc

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: March 30, 2025

Apply here

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