Cohort Training on Fiscal Policy Analysis and Sustainability - Blended

Fiscal Policy Analysis course: July 7-18, 2025, in-person in Vienna.
Between-course work: July 21-August 29, 2025, online self-paced (5-10 hours). 
Fiscal Sustainability course: September 1-5, 2025, in-person in Vienna.

Target Group: Junior to senior officials in ministries of finance or economy, debt agencies, central banks, and other government agencies responsible for implementing macroeconomic and debt policies. The training is particularly beneficial for officials seeking a deeper understanding of fiscal policy and its macroeconomic implications.


Qualifications: Participants should have taken undergraduate courses in macroeconomics or have equivalent experience, and foundational knowledge in microeconomics and econometrics. Prior completion of the Financial Programming and Policies (FPP) course is strongly recommended. Basic skills in Microsoft Excel and access to a computer with reliable internet and Google Chrome web browser are essential.


Course Description: The training program aims to strengthen skills and knowledge in key areas of sound fiscal management. The “cohort” approach means that the same group of participants will go through the entire program (see below) together. Through collaboration in small groups, participants will gain new perspectives on fiscal challenges, refine their problem-solving abilities, and build professional networks with peers working from diverse viewpoints.


The program includes the following structure and time commitment:

• Fiscal Policy Analysis course: July 7-18, 2025, in-person in Vienna.

• Between-course work: July 21-August 29, 2025, online self-paced (5-10 hours). In this segment, participants will learn how to work with the Public Debt Dynamic Tool (DDT) with online material and support from the AI tutor KIRON.

• Fiscal Sustainability course: September 1-5, 2025, in-person in Vienna.


Course Objectives: By the end of this cohort training, participants will be able to:

• Use fiscal policy to attain key government objectives: macro-stability, equity and efficiency, and sustainable long-term growth.

• Use the tools and techniques acquired to assess the country’s fiscal stance, fiscal multipliers, and debt sustainability.

• Assess the key elements of tax and expenditure policy.

• Project public debt, identify the main drivers of public debt changes, compute measures of fiscal adjustments consistent with a public debt target, stress-test public debt projections, and assess the risk of debt distress.

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Course Details

Start: 20250707Jul 07
End: 20250718Jul 18

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: IMF

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: March 23, 2025

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