Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework


TARGET GROUP | Mid-level to senior banking supervisors from central banks and supervisory authorities. Basic knowledge of the Basel framework is essential. Participants should also be familiar with the supervisory policies at their institution and be prepared to actively contribute to discussions.


DESCRIPTION | The Basel Framework is a comprehensive set of standards developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision to improve the regulation and supervision of the banking sector. An essential part of it is the Basel III package, finalised in December 2017, that addresses the lessons learnt from the financial crisis. The current Basel framework also includes the supervision of climate risk and the updated Core Principles.

This course seeks to impart comprehensive expert knowledge on major issues relating to the implementation of the Basel framework and especially the Basel III reforms regarding the capital requirements. It will focus on both theory and practice, with special attention to introducing the EU supervisory review process (SREP and ICAAP/ILAAP). Furthermore, topics such as the supervisory examination of banks’ credit business and the supervision of interest rate risk in the banking book and IT risks will be covered.

The course requires a high level of participation, through discussions, case studies and short participant presentations based on individual country experiences.


· Banking supervision in the EU

· Relevant measures of the Basel Framework

· Pillar 2: Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) and Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process

(ICAAP) of banks in the EU

· Supervision of sustainability risks and IT-/cyber risks with a focus on EU

· Supervisory examination of credit business

· Non-performing loan (NPL) management and resolution

· Stress testing and its use in supervision

· National experience in banking supervision

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Course Details

Start: 20250407Apr 07
End: 20250411Apr 11

Language: English

Sponsoring Organization: JVI/DBB/OeNB

Admin Arrangements

Application Deadline: January 26, 2025

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