A Course on Public-Private Cooperation for the Green and Digital Transition at the JVI

September 10, 2024

The JVI recently hosted a new week-long course on “Public-Private Cooperation for the Green and Digital Transition”, led by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw). This course stood out for its interdisciplinary approach, bringing together professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. It offered both theoretical and practical perspectives, drawing on the experiences of European and emerging countries, thereby enriching the learning experience of the group. The course was attended by 28 participants from 14 countries. 

The course covers three interlinked topics: the green transition, the digital transition, and how to foster public-private cooperation to accelerate them. It equips participants with a deep understanding of the key issues, challenges, and opportunities related to the transition, as well as the instruments supporting the development and financing of projects in this context. 

These issues could not be more topical today. Advanced and emerging economies worldwide are designing digital and green agendas, balancing trade-offs between socio-economic, technological, geopolitical, and environmental objectives. Meanwhile, a successful green and digital transition poses a considerable challenge for all countries, particularly emerging and developing economies with limited public resources. As recently highlighted in the Draghi report, the transition requires enormous investments. It is, therefore, important for governments to involve the private sector, making the best use of its potential. 

To ensure a comprehensive understanding and skill acquisition, the curriculum included a series of workshops and interactive sessions. These sessions, led by a team of professionals from various organisations, provided participants with practical skills. Through hands-on case studies, participants also gain insights into how policies for the transition are implemented today, as well as the perspective of the private sector. 

Judging from the positive reactions of the participants, this new JVI course not only inspired them but also contributed to capacity building in navigating the challenges and making the most of the opportunities of the green and digital transition.

Francesca Guadagno, Economist, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies



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