Alexander Memov

March 22, 2021

I attended the virtual course on Financial Education (FE) in February, 2021. During this tough times of COVID-19, when face-to-face meetings are limited, online training organized by JVI with the help of The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), was an excellent opportunity for me to get theoretical and practical knowledge on Financial education and Financial literacy (FL). Professionals from different universities and practitioners from The World Bank and other organizations shared their knowledge and experience about key stakeholders’ engagement in promoting FE and FL, targeting groups and products, designing programs and channels, and how FE and FL activities can be best coordinated across institutions and countries to ensure sustainability. The course presented examples of different FE tools and gave the opportunity for the participants to introduce best practices in their countries and to effectively discuss and exchange their experience on these topics. I would highly recommend this online training to everyone who is interesting in this field.


Alexander Memov, Bulgarian National Bank, Virtual course on Financial Education, February 22-26, 2021

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