Davit Kirakosyan

May 24, 2022

I would like to express my best wishes to JVI and my warm gratitude to the organizers who were involved in preparation and organization of the virtual course on “Public Governance and Structural Reforms”. This was a great experience for me. We have covered very important topics related to the reforms in different areas of the economy, had active discussions and group workshops. I would like to mention also the professionalism of the lecturers and JVI staff. Lectures were well organized and we had an opportunity to share experience and discuss useful topics. I will definitely recommend this course to my colleagues. I am also very confident that the knowledge and experience gained from this course will help me to better understand fundamentals of the structural reforms and their implementation in different sectors of the economy.

Davit Kirakosyan, Program Manager, Central Bank of Armenia.

Virtual Course on Public Governance and Structural Reforms, May 09 - 20, 2022.


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