Virtual Course on Financial Education (FE)

March 29, 2021

From February 22 to 26, 2021, JVI and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) conducted the course on Financial Education.

Eighteen experts and mid-level officials from central banks and ministries with a background in financial education, communication, banking and/or economics, representing fifteen countries and three continents, attended the course.

In a very interactive setting—lectures, breakout sessions, polls and quizzes and games—the participants dealt with the three main questions:

  • Why should central banks or other key stakeholders engage in and promote FE? 
  • Which channels are best suited to reach the most important target groups? 
  • And how can financial education activities be best anchored within and coordinated across institutions and countries to ensure sustainability?

During the course, the participants had the opportunity to learn about best practices and already well-established financial education initiatives. Additionally, the group discussed current challenges and obstacles either in smaller subgroups or with the lecturers. The setting allowed for a fruitful exchange of views, and for insight into different national approaches.

It was a pleasure to see how committed and motivated all participants interacted.

However, despite good feedback and well working technical features, we all hope that next time the course will again take place in Vienna. We all miss personal interactions during lunch and coffee breaks including time for informal talks.

Elisabeth Dippelreiter-Santner and Judith Feyrer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

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