Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 14:00-15:00 Vienna time (CEST)
Mr. Salih Fendoglu, Senior Financial Sector Expert, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
Mr. Tatsushi Okuda, Economist, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
Mr. Maximilian Fandl, Senior Economist, JVI
Rising geopolitical tensions have intensified concerns about global economic and financial fragmentation in recent years. If sustained, this development could have important implications for international capital allocation and macro-financial risks, including for emerging markets in the JVI region.
Recent IMF research, published in the latest IMF Global Financial Stability Report April 2023 (Chapter 3: “Geopolitics and Financial Fragmentation: Implications for Macro-Financial Stability?”), examines the role of geopolitical factors as drivers of financial fragmentation and associated financial stability risks. Specifically, the chapter investigates to which extent geopolitical factors influence the cross-border allocation of capital and how geopolitical shocks, and the financial fragmentation driven by these shocks, may affect macro-financial stability and vulnerabilities in affected countries. In the analysis, geopolitical factors are proxied based on countries’ voting behavior in the UN General Assembly as a measure of geopolitical distance.
The Joint Vienna Institute is organizing a webinar with authors of IMF GFSR Chapter 3 to discuss the analysis and the chapter’s findings with a specific focus on their relevance for countries in the CESEE, Caucasus and Central Asia region.
End: Jun 22
Language: English
Sponsoring Organization: JVI
Admin Arrangements
Application Deadline: June 22, 2023