Course Components

Prior to the Vienna segment (February-May 2025)

Selected segments of IMF Courses (MDSx and MPAFx).
The self-paced MDSx is designed to enhance participants’ understanding of macroeconomic diagnostics and policies. The completion of these course segments typically requires 6-8 hours a week if taken over a 6-week period. Taking the selected segments of these courses will be a requirement for participating in the Vienna segment of the AEP course. 
Virtual sessions with JVI faculty
Initial virtual sessions will provide an overview of the AEP program and discussion of selected segments of MDSx and MPAFx. Participants will prepare group presentations on macroeconomic issues, supported by JVI faculty through virtual consultations, requiring 2-3 hours per week over two months.

Vienna Segment (June 16 – July 11, 2025)

Presentation and Communication Skills
Communication Coaches/JVI (2 DAYS)

This segment helps participants hone their presentation skills and public communication proficiency, fosters teamwork, and provides tips and tricks for effective negotiating and influencing. 
Austrian and European Political and Economic Issues
Austrian Authorities (2 DAYS)

Participants are introduced to the JVI’s host country, Austria. They learn about the economic issues it faces and the policies that are designed and implemented to respond to those challenges. European integration issues figure prominently, given that Austria is a member of the European Monetary Union. Participants will learn about Austria's economic challenges and policies, with interactions with Austrian policymakers and researchers.
Macroeconomic Management Issues 

This segment covers the economic analysis underlying the design of macroeconomic policies, focusing on business cycle fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policy and structural reforms. It explores the key economic relationships relevant for policy analysis and forecasting and focuses on interlinkages between the different sectors of an economy. Key topics that are covered include macroeconomic stabilization, structural policies and economic growth, public debt sustainability, fiscal rules, monetary policy and external sector assessment. In workshops, participants analyze macroeconomic developments on country cases, analyze the transmission of shocks and of macroeconomic policies, make baseline projections, assess alternative scenarios and debate policy issues relevant for the country.
Financial Sector Issues 

Topics include banking regulation, macroprudential analysis, and crisis management, with contributions from the Austrian National Bank and private sector practitioners. Practitioners from the private sector will also intervene to discuss the role of international banking groups in the wide region.

Trade Policy and International Trade Regimes 

Participants will explore international trade theory, trade policy, the multilateral trading system, and WTO Agreements. This course provides a deeper understanding of the institutions, rules and processes shaping trade policy, with special emphasis on the role of WTO Agreements and their disciplines, and on the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.
Structural Issues 
World Bank (1 DAY)

This short segment covers topics such as improving economic governance and ensuring inclusiveness.
Participants will evaluate and provide feedback for each course segment and the overall course. They will be assessed throughout the course, based on their understanding, contributions, and teamwork skills. A certificate and a letter of excellence will be awarded to the most engaged participants.
Administrative Arrangements
Selection is competitive, based on educational background and relevant work experience. Applicants must submit proof of their English language proficiency. There are no fees for attending the AEP course, but participants must cover their own transportation costs. 

Participants are accommodated at the JVI Residence free of charge and receive a daily living allowance.

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