For the first time, the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI) in Austria offered the course titled “Social Protection, Taxation, and Employment” during April 24-26, 2019. This course provided an overview of the impact of labor taxation...Read more >>
The China-IMF Capacity Development Center (CICDC) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) organized their first joint workshop entitled “Holistic Sustainability in Infrastructure: How to Ensure Projects...Read more >>
During April 1-2, 2019, the IMF Communication Department organized a seminar for Members of Parliament (MPs) from selected countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe titled Taking Anti-Corruption Efforts to the Next Level....Read more >>
Pekka Ruuhonen is the IMF Regional Revenue Administration Advisor for Western Balkans based at the JVI as of April 1, 2019. He is a former Director General of the Finnish Tax Administration and has played a key role in reforming...Read more >>
The JVI hosted the sixth IMF-JVI-Swiss National Bank (SNB) Peer-to-Peer Central Bank Practitioners Workshop February 27–March 1, 2019, for officials from the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA), Moldova, and Mongolia. Workshop...Read more >>