A course on Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis was delivered at the Joint Vienna Institute during 1-12 April 2024 by a team from the IMF Institute for Capacity Development. The program for this two-week offering focused on...Read more >>
Improving the quality of fiscal and debt statistics used for policy making and promoting fiscal and debt transparency are important goals for JVI member countries. They are continuously developing statistical capacity to achieve...Read more >>
The IMF’s Monetary Policy course was delivered at the JVI during April 8-19, 2024. It was attended by 23 participants from 12 countries, with a diverse institutional background. While two thirds of them work at central banks,...Read more >>
Elene Koridze has worked as a Front Desk/Program Officer at the JVI for a year. On the occasion of her departure, she spoke with JVI Newsletter staff about her experience here. Elene, you have worked as a Front Desk/Program...Read more >>
In February, staff from the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department and JVI delivered a new course: Strengthening Medium-Term Budgeting of Public Investment. As countries in the region continue to prioritize infrastructure development to...Read more >>