Many countries in the JVI region have joined the WTO in recent years as new members with a view to benefit from international trade and the rules of the WTO multilateral trading system. They have conducted major structural...Read more >>
The key challenge that many countries face nowadays, not only in the JVI region, is boosting productivity and potential growth, while preserving macroeconomic stability. As negative output gaps close and cyclical recovery is...Read more >>
At the European Investment Bank (EIB), we believe that the demand for capacity building in the JVI region has shifted in the last few years. This is the result of several factors. First, the overall level of professional...Read more >>
Convergence between living standards of the JVI region and those of advanced countries has slowed down in recent years. As a result, GDP per capita in the region continues to lag significantly behind levels in Western Europe or...Read more >>
The 25th anniversary of the JVI offers a good opportunity to review the evolving training offer by the IMF. A lot has taken place in the capacity building activities of the IMF over the past few years. Most notably, the Institute...Read more >>